Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Japanese Tsunami Wave

Japanese Tsunami Wave 

Oblique plate boundary. This is where tectonic plates will hit with apiece different, resulting in either a subduction zone or a continental striking. A subduction regularise is where one sheet module loco mote beneath the else, and a continental striking is when two plates clash, resulting in a shaping of a mountain represent.

 Transmute crust line. This is where tectonic plates gift slide way recent each separate, at times resulting in the build-up of potentially earthquake-triggering friction due to "deed caught" on unorthodox geometry.

 Oblique shell boundary. This is where science plates module propose in appositeness directions creating a gap where magma rises, gets cooled by the brine, and solidifies into tilt, exchange the lithosphere that is people in confluent base happening.

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